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  • Railroads, France

Some US but mostly French railroad shots with an in-depth 3-year survey of the historic station and yards of Laroche-Migennes, in Burgundy, on the main line from Paris to Marseilles (PLM).

The survey includes buildings, marshalling yards, rolling stock
as well as peripheral installations such as turn-of-the-century workers housing complexes.

The people who work there, station master, department heads, engineers, conductors, switchmen and secretaries were also included.

The photographs are mostly b&w, with a few color shots, and were done with a 4X5 view camera, with a few in 35mm.

The work has only been shown at the station itself, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first train in Laroche in 1849. 

cheramy_1999.jpg (11403 octets)

René Cheramy, lamp-man
bercy_posteA_400.jpg (11481 octets) The "Bercy" yards

dulieu_1999.jpg (10660 octets)

Laurent Dulieu, yardman
bercy_bv_400.jpg (13209 octets) "Bercy" yards, seen from the station
21 rue de l'Eglise   89600 Bouilly  France
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