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  • Confluences

South of Paris, the Seine and the Marne rivers meet, next to the four suburban towns of Ivry, Charenton, Alfortville and Saint-Maurice. At the junction of the two rivers, CHINAGORA, a giant Chinese complex has been erected, which includes a hotel, restaurants and shops. This Chinatown dominates the surrounding semi-industrial landscape next to a large incinerator, and is visible from the above-namd towns as well as from the subway and railroad lines crossing the Marne. This is an ongoing project, begun in February 2004.
Footbridge across the Seine, connecting the towns of Ivry and Charenton. (2004)

Ivry-port. Construction sites and refuse incinerator. (2004)

Footbridge next to the Chinagora and barge sailing the Marne upstream. (2004)

21 rue de l'Eglise   89600 Bouilly  France
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